Reader Interactions


  1. Ruth

    Oh dear, the poor kids standing in the cold! The teachers should have just sent them all home. That was so poorly handled. No wonder Boo was so stressed! And that ‘helper’ sounds totally incompetent. You did so well not to lose your cool with her. I really hope that your little man gets the help he needs. He sounds like he is doing very well with his learning though!

  2. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Just wow! I’m appalled by your helper’s failure to help and her rudeness. Hope they send you a survey on their performance for you to fill in. Bet they don’t. At least Little Man is doing well and I’m sure there is a school just right for him out there. The bells going off at school must have been upsetting for the students. Especially if they were told that they were going home. My lot moan about standing outside for fire bells in a field which always seems muddy. I hope you all enjoyed your son’s birthday outing.

    • Anne Sweet

      I seriously don’t know how I kept my calm with her, I was already in a bad mood when she called. I really do hope I get to review her behaviour. My daughter is in SEND at school and she witnessed first hand just how difficult some students find the alarms. So sad. At least our birthday celebration this week went well.

  3. Kim Carberry

    It does sound like a crazy week.
    That wasn’t a nice wake up call for Star but it does sound like a good thing that it didn’t give her much chance to think about it.
    Happy birthday to your son. I am glad he enjoyed his day.
    Oh dear! What a rubbish day at school for Boo. At least the school have excluded the trouble makers.
    Your helper for your Little Man doesn’t sound very helpful at all, you had every right to be angry! I would be too. It sounds like your Little Man is doing great learning at home, especially since he’s doing well at the year 9 assessments. Go him!! x

  4. Karen

    You have far more composure than me because I would have let fly at that supposed helper. It’s ridiculous how everything is left to the parents to fight for and good help is a matter of luck. That said well done to Little Man for doing so well in his assessments he’ll soon rock that Y9 exam!

  5. Astrid

    Wow, that “helper” lady sounds so bad! I’m really sorry the Little Man is still out of school, but it seems you’re doing a fabulous job of helping him at home. That alarm issue at Boo’s school sounds so frustrating too. Hope this week is a bit less hectic for you all. #MMBC

  6. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Glad that Star’s catheter change went fairly well – not having time to think about it can be a good thing sometimes. Hope your eldest son had a nice birthday. Poor Boo having to keep standing out in the cold because kids kept setting off the fire alarms. That does sound stressful. The ‘helper’ for Little Man sounds like a nightmare – so sorry that he’s not been getting proper help and that you’re struggling to find alternatives. I hope that something can be sorted out for him. #WotW

  7. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    What a wake-up call for star but I agree no time to think about it which I know helps me. On my goodness that lady. I think I might have gone nuts. Just doesn’t like cats, which stops her from doing her job! Sounds like there are other things that actually stop her from doing her job correctly. Sent to help! I honestly have no words!

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