Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    It looks like he had loads of fun.
    It’s a shame your Little Man isn’t too keen on doing his work. I remember during the lockdowns I had lots of arguments with my youngest. That isn’t good that the school you applied to hasn’t got back to you, it’s not a good sign is it. x

  2. Ruth

    The neon crazy golf looks like a lot of fun and it was great that your little man could enjoy some time with other kids. I hope you find a good school for him soon. The school you mention doesn’t sound very encouraging if they can’t communicate well with potential students and families.

  3. RachelSwirl

    Oooo that looks like such great fun. Our kids have just got into crazy golf, I’m hoping to take them during the Easter holidays. Thanks for sharing and linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

  4. md risuan

    “Neon Crazy Golf transforms a serene Sunday into a vibrant adventure, blending dazzling lights with precision putting. A kaleidoscope of colors turns each swing into a mesmerizing moment of joy.”

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