Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    It’s the end of an era. How are our girls old enough to have left school. My girl will be sitting her last exam now. I am glad they are over but pretty sad about the end of school.
    Oh wow! It does sound confusing about your boy going back to school. I hope you did get another offer from a different school but even if he has to go back to his old school they will surely have to make more of an effort.
    What a drama with the fridges. I hope the new one gets fixed easily. x

  2. Ruth

    My son finished school last year and I remember feeling all mixed emotions that it all went by so quickly! I can’t believe that the decision has been made for your little man to go back to the same school before the big meeting?? That’s so confusing, but I really hope that this time it will be a much better experience for him and that the school will give him the support he deserves. Faulty appliances especially new ones would just about tip me over the edge. I hope you get a properly working fridge asap!

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    End of an era for Boo. Hope that she enjoyed her day out at Alton Towers. That’s frustrating with Little Man having to go back to his old school if he wants to go back to school. I hope that it works out for him and that school will be a better experience this time around. That’s annoying with the fridge freezer too. Hope you got it all sorted out. #WotW

  4. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    I hope Boo’s last exam went well. I wonder why there was no prom or a hoodie. I thought that was a common thing to do now. Not that we had them. Well, we had a leaving ceremony and then we all went to a club, remembering to add two years to our age if we were asked! I hope going back to school works well for your son. Moving schools for Little E has really shaken her and I’m really worried about finding the right school for her when she goes to high school now #WotW

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