Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Anticipation sounds like a good word to cover that mixture of anxiety about the future but also looking forward to things and having hope. I hope that you will have a lovely holiday and that hard though change is, things will work out as best they can. Sending much love your way as you navigate it all xx

  2. Kim Carberry

    I can’t imagine what you are feeling at the moment but anticipation is a fantastic word to use. Staying positive must be hard but have the holiday to look forward to. x

  3. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    I think you have chosen the correct word for the week. It might not feel like it now but in the future you will look back on this and be proud of the journey you have made. I’m glad you are going on holiday. Embrace and enjoy it #WotW

  4. Aadiv S

    A short and sweet blog post that captures the essence of anticipation! The writer beautifully reflects on the excitement and eagerness that come with looking forward to something. It’s amazing how a few well-chosen words can evoke such strong emotions. This blog is a reminder to embrace the feeling of anticipation and savor the magic of looking ahead.

  5. Jayne

    I think this is a very fitting word. I can imagine everything feeling rather daunting at the moment and rightly so! But you’ve got this, enjoy that holiday and make some lovely memories with your kiddies. xxx

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