Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    Happy birthday Star! Time really does fly and our kids are growing up far too quickly. It sounds like she had a wonderful day. Hooray for all of the gifts. Enjoy your meal out. My youngest has asked to go to Wetherspoons for her birthday meal too. lol
    Aww! You can’t blame Boo for not wanting to go back to that school. Well done to her with her results. x

    • Anne Sweet

      We didn’t make it to Wetherspoons but are hoping to try again later. Our girls are growing too quickly indeed, It seems like only yesterday we were posting about their antics as little children. Time does fly indeed. xx

  2. joleisa

    This post made me both sad and happy for some reason. The birthday celebration sounds nice, and also the exam results. But the school has been so bad that she doesn’t want to ever go back? That’s sad. Glad she got into college though. And I hope she does well.

    • Anne Sweet

      Thank you ladies, I was so stressed she wouldn’t go to the school, she wouldn’t even go with someone accompanying her. But that’s okay because she will be going to college and she doesn’t have to think about that school anymore. I just wish my boy didn’t have to go back there either, but he’s okay with it for now. Fingers crossed x

  3. Jayne

    Aw, I’m glad Star had a lovely birthday. Our kiddies need to stop growing up so fast!
    Well done to Boo on her results. I don’t blame her for not wanting to go back to school, at least she can move on now.
    I know what you mean about being skint! I’ve had a few birthdays to buy for recently and Craig’s wiped me out haha! xx

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