Reader Interactions


  1. joleisa

    We are definitely going to keep everything crossed for you that things turn out well. I know it’s easier said than done about not worrying. When you are the one in it, only you know. When I struggle like this, I pray and try not to worry about the things I have no control over. I hope your daughters make you proud on Christmas day.

  2. Kim Carberry

    Oh no! I am so sorry this week has been a struggle for you. I hope you feel better soon.
    That is a worry about Boo. I hope she gets back on track.
    That is great that the big kids are doing the xmas shop and your daughters are doing the cooking. I hope you start to feel a little happier the closer we get to Christmas.
    If all else fails drinking the Bailey’s will put you in the Christmas spirit. hehehe x

  3. Karen

    Sometimes it just seems everything is a struggle. I must admit my festive spirit is currently still in the bottle… I hope Boo can stay at her campus and not have to move. Maybe things will work out and there won’t be any need. You can send your daughters round to mine to cook on Christmas Day too if you like LOL! Glad you got the EHCP sorted.

  4. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    So sorry that your week was such a struggle, Anne. Hope that things work out for Boo with college and I hope that Little Man’s EHCP was all okay too. I think there’s a lot of pressure this time of year to be full of Christmas spirit but it can be such a tough time of year and it’s important to be honest about that too. Hope that this week has been kinder to you x #WotW

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