Reader Interactions


  1. joleisa

    Future is a lovely word and it does bring with it hope on so many levels. Nice choice. Some things are out of our control so we just have to accept them. But I love your spirit of fighting for the things that you can. We just paid up our blog fees too so I guess we are on the ride for at least another year. God id good. Blessings for a healthier and all round better 2024.

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Happy new year Anne and thank you for hosting #WotW. 2023 really was quite the ride for you and your family. I do hope that this year will be a better one for you all and that you get some answers for Star, and that things will work out for Boo and Little Man with college and school x

  3. Kim Carberry

    Not improving health wise but not getting worse is a win. I hope the treatment went well.
    Good luck with everything to do with your kids, it sounds like you have a lot of talking to do to the relevant people like hospitals, schools and colleges. I am sure in time everything will work out.
    That is good that you and Graham are not fighting but he needs to think of his future and take more care of himself. What a worry.
    After everything you and your family went through in 2023 you have to think, it can’t get any worse! 2024 has to be a better year for you all.
    I have just paid for another 2 years of my domain name for my blog. I didn’t realise how ahead I was, I’m good until 2030 now. lol x

  4. Karen

    Happy New Year to you and your family. We never know what the future holds and sometimes that’s a good thing. I like the way you call it being more pro active with your future, it sounds nicer that fighting for things – even if that’s what we end up doing! I hope this year is better than last.

  5. Ruth

    I hope you have a much better 2024 Anne and I’m happy to hear you will still be blogging. All the best with the Little Man’s schooling and sorting out Boo’s future. I also hope Star gets some answers concerning her health xx

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