Reader Interactions


  1. Debra | Gmas'sPhoto

    I do not have a green thumb! The only flowers that I do well with is the plastic kind. But if I could grow flowers, I would have to say Lillies for me.
    Your yellow flowers are very colorful and pretty. Thanks for sharing.
    Take care and best wishes.

  2. Joanne

    I never used to do well with any indoor plants at all but I think I have been keeping most of them alive since we moved into this house; though I do have all the plants in the same general area of the house where they get lots of full sun and I have made it a routine to water every Friday. I think that has helped a lot! Your daffodils look so sunny and cheery.

  3. Sarah MumofThree World

    Daffodils are the best! I hate throwing away plants too. I always keep my poinsettias from Christmas and currently have the one from 2023 looking very healthy and three unhealthy, but still alive, ones dotted around the house. The oldest is from 2016! My husband hates them.

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