Reader Interactions


  1. Joleisa

    I love the optimism! The treatments could be so scary but you are a quick learner so well done you. For the Little Man its good that he’s getting these offerings to ensure he has a good Summer break. Swimming would be so good too. As for Star, I pray that her treatment works too, and that she finds it easier and easier to cope each day.

  2. Kim Carberry

    That is great news that the medication seems to be working for Star! I hope it all works out in the end. Well done you for doing almost all of your treatment without hardly any prompting! I am so pleased for you and that is fantastic about your Little Man. It sounds like the school is brilliant for him. x

  3. Carol

    Optimism is a great word and attitude. Congratulations on things going better. Sending you wishes for another great week. #MMBC

  4. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I’m so glad you’re feeling optimistic. That’s great news that Star’s medication is working and hope that things get better for her. Well done on managing to do everything by yourself with the treatment with very little prompting needed. So glad that things are going so well for Little Man at school too and that he is so much happier there. #WotW

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