Reader Interactions


  1. Paula

    Hey, Anne I just bookmarked your other blog, so hopefully I can remember to link up monthly. Lol.
    I’m so happy you joined a book club, I’m sure it will be a wonderful way to make friends.
    Visiting today from MMBC

  2. Joleisa

    We love books too but don’t get enough time! I’m excited at the prospect of you getting to publish your book! Glad you got to go to that bookclub too.

  3. Kim Carberry

    Yay! I am so glad you went to the book club and had a wonderful time!! I am so happy for you.
    You should go for it with your book! I saw Celine Dion was releasing a documentary and thought of you.
    I am not reader unless you count blogs but I have been listening to audio books when I find time. My fella thought I had an Irish woman in the kitchen when he came in the other day and heard a voice. I had a book playing through the Google speaker thing. lol

  4. Ruth

    It’s so great to hear you had such a great time at the cafe with the book club! Oh please get your book published!! It would be so exciting and helpful to many people who may be experiencing similar challenges. Your story could inspire and support so many others.

  5. Olivia

    Book club sounds like a real win! I am glad to hear you are pursuing publication of your book. It would educate people like myself who know so little and help others who suffer too. Interesting premise for a link up. I’ll follow and join in when I can.

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