Reader Interactions


  1. Joleisa

    Well enjoy your watching, lol. That show sounds good although I’ve not heard of it before. We have garden troubles too and just watching it at the moment. I have seen the Celine Dion things flash up on the screen several times but have not watched it yet. Hope you have a lovely weekend and an even better week ahead.

  2. Karen

    Madam recently played Anne Boleyn at school and now she’s very much into the music from Six. If it comes back to Birmingham I’ll see if I can take her. I want to watch the Celine Dion thing too. I literally just said to my husband I can’t believe the year is half over!

  3. Kim Carberry

    Six sounds like an amazing show!! It sounds like you all had a great time.
    Manifest is good isn’t it. I am slowly working my way through it.
    Ahh! My garden is not doing well at the moment. I missed watering it for a few days which of course were the hottest of the year so far. That is a shame about the shears breaking and I wouldn’t fancy using a hedge cutter, they are scary things. x

  4. Joanne

    I was just noticing that it’s time to weed the garden again… it’s a chore I really do not enjoy so I keep putting it off. I know I’ll have to get to it sooner or later. I really wanted to watch that Celine Dion show on Netflix but I was hoping to learn more about her condition.

  5. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Six is such an amazing show. Glad you and the girls enjoyed seeing it. The Celine Dion film sounded interesting. I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet. I hope it does help raise a little more awareness though about Stiff Person Syndrome. Hope you enjoyed watching Netflix over the weekend and that the garden gets sorted out soon. #WotW

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