Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Poor Little Man. Sats of 92 are very low. I’m glad they came back up again and hopefully they stay up. Hope he feels better very soon. Sorry to hear that you had a fall this week. Glad your son and daughter were on hand to help and that you were okay other than soreness and aching. #WotW

  2. joleisa

    Oh no! So sorry you are both still poorly. And the fact that you can’t remember how or why is concerning. We do wish you both well. Nice you are still trying to get around for your family and good that they are there to help you too.

  3. Karen

    Oh my goodness. Poor little man, I hope he gets better very soon and they can find out what’s going on with him. Sorry you had a fall too, I hope you feel better soon. Glad your son and daughter were there to help you. Hugs

  4. Kim Carberry

    Oh no! What a rotten week, especially for your Little Man. The poor thing, I hope he is doing better now!
    It sounds like you were lucky not to seriously injure yourself. x

  5. Ruth

    So sorry to hear that your Little man has been so sick. I hope he gets better soon! I’m glad to hear you were ok after your fall.

    • Anne Sweet

      The Little Man is getting better, I think it’s the worst he’s ever been. I’m okay after my fall which is really surprising how quick and hard I went down.

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