Reader Interactions


  1. joleisa

    Final is sometimes a good word. Proud of you in deciding that it was time to part with a relationship that has caused you such distress. I really hope the Little Man soon makes a full recovery and enjoys the summer break. Hope you have a good time ahead too. The football is over for now but there’s the Olympics to look forward to.

  2. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    What a week! I have to admit, I didn’t watch a single football match, but it was hard to escape the national excitement. I’m sorry your boy has been so unwell and unable to enjoy the count down to the end of term. It sounds like he is happy at his new school, if he’s keen to go in even when he is under the weather. I know it can be difficult to let go of a friend or long term acquaintance. You know your own mind and sound strong and determined. I’m sure it will happen. Hope you are having a good weekend. Thank you for hosting and I’m glad to be back again.

  3. Kim Carberry

    I hope your Little Man is feeling better now, his chest and his foot. It sounds like he is enjoying school with him wanting to go for the last couple of days. Bless him.
    Good on you for cutting that person out of your life! It sounds like you are better off without them! x

  4. Ruth

    Good on you for cutting ties with the person causing your so much distress! It’s hard to do but so much better for your emotional health. I hope your little Man gets better soon xx

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