Reader Interactions


  1. Karen

    There is nothing wrong with a boring week, personally I am all in favour of one every now and again. Glad Sabrina’s condition isn’t as bad as you thought. I did all the college enrollment with Madam this week.

  2. joleisa

    Boring can be seen as ‘restful’ lol. But I know what you mean. Hopefully, you’ll have your car back soon and you and the Little Man will be up and about again.

  3. Kim Carberry

    Monday was just another day for us too apart from we went out to eat but probably still would have without it being a bank holiday.
    That’s a shame that Little Man’s dad missed a day out. I would be so excited about having Dominoes for tea, we can’t get it delivered to us and the nearest one is a long bus ride away.
    That is great news about Sabrina.
    Good on you for getting your car back, good luck with the school run and with Boo at college. We have a start date for my youngest and all the paperwork sorted, finally!

  4. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Boring can be a good thing sometimes and a peaceful bank holiday of doing very little sounds nice. What a shame Little Man missed out on having a day with his dad. Glad that there doesn’t seem to be anything seriously wrong with Sabrina. Hope you are able to take over again with your car and good luck with the school run next week. Hope you get a start date soon for Boo for college. #WotW

  5. Ruth

    When things don’t go according to plan and I’m stressed out, I always find myself wishing for those “boring” weeks. Sometimes boring just means less stress, haha! Sorry about your cat being unwell. Ours had stomach issues and she made messes where she shouldn’t have earlier this year (yuck!). We took her to the vet and she was put on anti depressants because all her troubles came from being depressed about our new kitten ruining her calm life. She’s off the meds now and has reluctantly accepted her new and sometimes annoying roommate.

    • Anne Sweet

      Yes, ours had stomach issues but the medication has worked and she’s eating well again. She’s still messing in all the ‘wrong’ places though 🙁 I’m glad your cats are getting on now, I’m sure it will get better. I remember when we had Ash six years ago, Sabrina wasn’t happy at all, but they were soon cuddling up together on the sofa on colder evenings.

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