Reader Interactions


  1. joleisa

    We have not had any fun with the Olympics so far. Being away in the US on holiday, we only see bits of how the US is doing. I’m happy for the US female gymnastics team. We also heard that the Opening Ceremony caused a stink in some communities. And so sad about the violence in Southport too. I still don’t get why the carnage though. I guess we will get caught up when we return. Enjoy the rest of the games and the fantastic weather we hear you are all having.

    • Anne Sweet

      I think I’d rather be in Florida at the moment, ladies, the Country has gone mad. Thankfully nothing here in Birmingham yet, I hope they get strong before it happens here.

  2. Karen

    I haven’t been watching the Olympics but I did smile at the guy in floral trunks who had to dive in and retrieve a swimming cap also the Turkish guy in the shooting who turned up without any particular equipment and stood there like a boss and got silver. The incident in Southport was awful, the following violence was horrendous.

  3. Kim Carberry

    I’ve had the Olympics on the TV all week, it has been easy to watch while my mind has been elsewhere. I have been loving the gymnastics, diving, equestrian events and the rowing. We are doing well with the medals.
    I did think of you when I saw Celine Dion singing. I had a very strong opinion on her but I am not going to say anything.
    We had riots in Hull yesterday, Stu came out of work and saw all the damage and chaos. It was like a warzone. There was no need for all the violence. x

  4. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Glad you’re enjoying watching the Olympics. I’ve saw a little bit of the opening ceremony and have seen the odd event here and there but haven’t seen much of the events. The attacks in Southport were absolutely awful – it breaks my heart to think of what those poor families are going through but to use it as an excuse for violence and rioting is just utterly despicable. #WotW

  5. Joanne

    I’m so sad I haven’t gotten to watch any of the Olympics; that used to be my favorite thing to watch but I refuse to add more streaming network to our lineup and we just don’t get the only one that covers it here in the states. I’ve been enjoying getting updates and snippets from all my blogging friends though!

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