Reader Interactions


  1. Mariama

    Thank you for hosting, and I hope Sabrina gets better soon! We have a 17-year-old cat with squamous cell carcinoma. Since he was diagnosed, I thought he only had a few months, but it’s been years since, and he’s still here with us, eating, sleeping, and doing everything he was doing as a healthy cat. So don’t give up; cats do have seven lives.

  2. Karen

    I hope Sabrina will be okay. I remember Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Salem was my favourite character! Happy 19th to Star, hope she has a lovely day

  3. Kim Carberry

    Sabrina sounds like such a sweetheart. The poor thing, so sorry she has been unwell. I hope her tests come back OK.
    Happy birthday to Star! I hope she’s had a great day. x

  4. joleisa

    Fingers crossed that Sabrina pulls through. We know the heartache when a pet is unwell. But please do be prepared for different outcomes, just in case. Happy birthday to your 19 year old too!

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