Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    The weather has been disspointing and it feels a lot like Autumn now. Hmmf.
    I am so pleased that you have booked a holiday. It’s something to really look forward to over the colder months.
    It sounds like all the birthdays have been lovely!
    How great that your Little Man has had some fab days out. Boo too! Sometimes it’s great for the kids to have some time away from us. I am glad the B12 injections are helping Star.
    It still sounds like a great summer despite you not doing more with the kids or getting out much yourself. x

  2. chickenruby

    It sounds like a lovely summer to me, lots of lovely birthdays and memories made. How lovely to have EHCP support for your son during the school holidays to allow you to rest up and enjoy the Olympics. I too spent time with my adult children and grandchildren. I wish I lived nearer to them to be able to spend more time with them. Cherish the time, they grow up too quickly. Thanks for joining in with #pocolo hope to see you back again soon

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