Reader Interactions


  1. joleisa

    Nice to have something to look forward to. I hope it all goes well. I’ve never been to see a ballet before. Waiting to hear your feedback and whether or not you would recommend it.

    • Anne Sweet

      I didn’t see my first ballet until about 7 years ago when my friend took me to see The Nutcracker. It was simply enthralling, I’ve been back to see it with my girls but they overprice the tickets which is a shame. Other ballet’s I’ve seen have a twist, which would not be to everyone’s taste but I love them (Mathew Bourne) I did see another ballet (Don Quixote) which had two of Russia’s top ballerinas (it was before the Ukraine war) and their dancing was like nothing I’ve seen before. Totally amazing! I am quite addicted to ballet now.

  2. Carol

    Hooray for going to the theatre. It’s a great way to escape the everyday world. A Chorus Line is a fun musical and I can hear them singing in my head. #MMBC

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