Reader Interactions


    • Anne Sweet

      They are definitely tasty meatballs, we usually have turkey ones but they are more expensive, even making them ourselves. Boo had a tricky start at college but I think she will be okay now, fingers crossed. x

  1. Kim Carberry

    It has been the return to college for my youngest too! Ahh! That is lovely to hear that your Little Man is so excited for school.
    I hope Boo has a good return to college. The same thing happened at my girls college, a lot of kids weren’t sent the text with their return date and missed their first day. Eek! x

  2. Karen

    I have never had Ikea meatballs.. in fact I have never been to Ikea!!!! I must be the only person in the world who hasn’t LOL!!!! That’s annoying about the text message but at least it’s sorted now and she’s not on her own.

  3. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    What a palaver for the start of term! I’m glad it’s sorted for Boo now and I hope she is enjoying her first day. How good that Little Man is so happy at his new school. I’ve not had the Ikea meatballs for a while. I used to love the lingonberry jam they serve with it. Hope you had a good weekend.

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