Reader Interactions


  1. joleisa

    I was so happy to hear you were up and about being social. This week the rain has put a damper on things. I hope you and your daughter feel better soon. So glad the Little Man is going to school and hopefully enjoying it. Fashioning something for your control panel is genius! Hope you can think of a more sustainable fix for it. Glad Sabrina is mostly ok and I only hope the wet puss comes back soon.

  2. Kim Carberry

    We have had some rain here but probably only half of what was forecast. I somehow seemed to have avoided all of the showers but poor Becky seems to have got caught in them all.
    That is great news that there’s no rain coming in through the patio doors and that Sabrina is doing better.

  3. Karen

    The weather has been awful hasn’t it! Hope Ash didn’t get too wet! I’m glad Sabrina is doing better and that Little Man has been to school every day. Let’s hope for less rain next week!

  4. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    We have had some awful weather over the last couple of weeks, haven’t we?! Glad that it didn’t come under your patio doors again. Hope that you and Boo are both feeling better and that things are going well for Little Man at school. Glad that Sabrina is doing better and hope Ash didn’t get too wet! #WotW

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