Reader Interactions


  1. Carol

    I haven’t heard of your programs much less watch them. I find the story of the family in the shelter with killing rains disturbing. What’s in the rains to kill people? Her dad started the whole thing? Wow. #MMBC

  2. Kim Carberry

    I loved the Umbrella Academy! My youngest saw the Baby Shark scenes, where it was stuck playing in the van and thought it was a crazy show but she is now halfway through the 2nd season.
    I can’t seem to enjoy dubbed tv shows and movies. I think I did give The Rain a try and couldn’t get away with it.
    I really enjoyed the Olympics and have been watching some of the Paralympics, they are amazing people!!
    I have just read about Kaos today and I am planning on watching it soon.

  3. Jayne

    I’ve not seen any of these (apart from some of the Olympics) so I will be adding some to our watch list. I can never get into dubbed movies, they pull me from the story and I fixate on their mouths haha!
    Kaos sounds interesting. x

  4. Joanne

    We just started watching Kaos this weekend. I wish I remembered more about all the stories behind the Greek gods… my middle son was obsessed with them and we spent years reading all the various myths.

    • Anne Sweet

      I didn’t remember much about them, I think it’s been a good 20 years since I learnt anything at all. It’s made me feel interested in finding out, but the program itself was fun enough without knowing any facts.

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