Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    I keep forgetting to link up with Blogtober, I’m not following the prompts this year but I must get around to joining in.
    I like shutting the curtains and getting cosy too, it will probably all change in a couple of months when I am longing for longer days but at the moment it’s nice.
    That is good that the school listened but so wrong about your Little Man missing the school trip! I used to kick off when my girls missed out on things because of 100% attendance as they would never get it as they always had at least one check on their hearts a year which meant a day missed from school.
    Oh gosh, what a worry about Boo! I hope it ends up being nothing serious. Sending love and hugs and enjoy your day off! You deserve it! I hope you are feeling more refreshed. x

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Sorry that things have been a little more difficult for Little Man with school. What a shame for him to miss out on his school trip due to getting pneumonia last year. I’m with you on disagreeing about attendance awards – kids can’t help getting ill. Sorry to hear about the worries about Boo’s health and hope that you get some answers soon. Sounds like a very good idea to have a day for yourself. I hope it is a restful one. #WotW

  3. joleisa

    Such a shame that you’re all not well in one way or another. The bright sparks though are that the Little Man’s school is more responsive and also your daughter will get to see a doctor sooner rather than later. I quite like the sound of spending a day in bed! I might just schedule it too! Sorry about the ballet but it won’t be fun if you’re all down. Looking forward to your blogtober posts. I’m not so brave yet to try it.

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