Reader Interactions


  1. joleisa

    Aww. We had a heavy week too but for different reasons. I think you should do your positivity journalling again. I always think there a so many blessings around us. But then again, only you know what would feel up to. I wish the girls’ health could be sorted out. It’s just so much to go through. I pray that they are figuring out how to be mentally strong for the challenges they face. I hope the spark for school comes back to the Little Man too. Oh, and you did go to the ballet after all, so that must have been nice.

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I’m sorry this week has felt heavy for you Anne. I can imagine it must be very worrying for you with the concerns about your girls’ health. Poor Star having to cope with being sick for so long and having hospital appointments pushed back. Hope that things start to improve for her sooner rather than later. How worrying with Boo’s symptoms too – I hope you can get some answers as to what’s going on and that it’s something that is easily treatable. Glad Little Man is still going to school – the first part of the Autumn term does feel like a long one though, doesn’t it? Glad you got to enjoy your night out at the ballet and hope that next week will be a lighter one for you all x #WotW

  3. Kim Carberry

    I am so glad you got to go to the ballet, that is a shame Star couldn’t make it but it sounds like a lovely treat for Boo’s friend.
    Sorry you haven’t been feeling the best mentally. It’s really no wonder with your girls not doing great. I hope the ECG goes well for Boo and Star gets some hospital appointments through.
    I think this time of year is such a long slog until half term, I am ready for a break.
    I hope things pick up soon for you. x

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